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Arboretum Internationale provides a tailor-made tree-care programme to owners and managers of woody plant collections worldwide working with domestic tree owners through to large estates and corporate landowners. Having revisited historical management principals and practices and combined them with the best of modern technology, we are now in a position to safely conserve these very unique habitats. The company has solutions based upon many years of real experience working with some of Europe's oldest and largest specimen, veteran and heritage trees. We believe that unique plant collections are best served through accurate tree inspection, routine planned maintenance, education and creative interpretation.

Since its inception in 2005 (revised in 2010) we have employed the guidance given in BS5837 'Recommendations for trees in relation to construction', liaising with architects, town planners, developers and home owners to achieve a maximum return financially and aesthetically allowing appropriate development in proximity to trees. Arboretum Internationale has extensive experience of working with clients to achieve sensible compromise solutions for trees located in Conservation Areas, or subject to Tree Preservation Orders and Planning Conditions throughout Scotland.

Hazard tree and tree safety inspections are an integral part of our normal tree reporting systems, in addition to which we provide a bespoke dedicated tree assessment under the auspices of QTRA (Quantified Tree Risk Assessment). In recent years we have become one of the leading exponents of veteran tree management, striving to retain old, often defective trees with invaluable and dependant flora and fauna in locations with high public use. We regularly employ unusual management options to create effective solutions including the installation of propping and bracing systems, re-routing access, excluding under canopy areas (by fencing) and performing conservation pruning operations.

Arboretum Internationale delivers a professional consultancy service addressing issues of tree safety, personal injury at work and the increasingly complicated field of trees within the planning system. Our team work as expert witnesses guiding legal counsel in matters relating to injuries and property damage where there is an arboricultural involvement.